Ignoring an Intent to Levy can lead to serious consequences, including the seizure of your wages, bank accounts, or property. Hall’s IRS can step in to negotiate with the IRS and help you avoid these drastic measures by finding a suitable solution to resolve your tax debt.
Unified Protection Against IRS Intent to Levy
Safeguard Your Rights with Hall’s IRS
Get comprehensive solutions to monitor and assess every aspect of your IRS levy threat. With the right support, let us prioritize your security by handling complex forms and advocating for your rights, ensuring you stay safeguarded at every step.
Received Notice of Intent To Levy In Mail?

Ignoring a Notice of Intent to Levy Can Have Serious Consequences →

Join the Many Who Lifted IRS Liens with Hall’s IRS!

We’ll Fight Back IRS Wrongful Levies!

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. Our team will analyze your financial situation and negotiate with the IRS to establish a payment plan, such as an installment agreement or Offer in Compromise, which can prevent or stop a levy from being enforced.
We’ll need all related IRS notices, including the Intent to Levy and any previous correspondence, as well as a full picture of your current situation. This helps us build a strong case for stopping the levy and finding the best resolution for you.
Time is of the essence in levy cases. Once you reach out to us, we’ll immediately begin reviewing your case and communicating with the IRS to stop the levy before any assets are seized.
Yes, if the IRS has already levied your bank account or wages, we can still help. Hall’s IRS will work on having the levy released by demonstrating financial hardship or negotiating an alternative arrangement with the IRS to reduce the impact on your assets.
We take immediate action to prevent the levy from progressing. Our experienced team works to resolve any missing tax filings and negotiates directly with the IRS to stop the seizure of your assets. We aim to provide relief as quickly as possible by identifying the best strategy for your case.